Authors Guidelines

The Mader e Milat International Journal of Nursing and Allied Sciences (MINAS) is published quarterly. All the selected papers are published online, along with the details of the issue in which the paper is actually published.

Guidelines to Contributors

1) Manuscripts are to be submitted to online through OJS:

Please submit the Manuscript as MS Word file along with the copy right form, in the format of MINAS.

2) Submission of a manuscript to MINAS indicates an understanding that the paper is not under consideration for publications with any other journal(s) or conference.

3) Once the paper is accepted, the author(s) are assumed to cede copyrights of the paper over to Logical Creations ERI. If any copyrighted material is used by the author, the author must take permission for the same.

4) All the papers are refereed and acknowledged. Once accepted they will not be returned. However, if any of the authors requires copy of the same, they can either download it from site, or send Email to the editor at

5) Paper has to be submitted in the specified format only. However, if you face any problem in downloading the prescribed format, you may even use the format of your own. But the final paper has to be submitted in the prescribed format only.

Submission Preparation Checklist
1. Submission of a manuscript to MINAS indicates an understanding that the paper is not under consideration for publications with any other journal(s) or conference;
2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format;
3. Paper has to be submitted in the MINAS specified format;
4. MINAS Copyright form has to be submitted.

Guide to Authors

The Journal accepts original research articles, reviews and short communications on all aspects of science, technology, engineering, computational mathematics, technology management and educational technology. For further detail, please see section “Aim and Scope” of the Journal. To prepare the manuscript, author should strictly follow the Journal guidelines.

Manuscript Preparation
The article must be prepared in English language. The manuscript should be prepared by using A-4 paper, with single line spacing and font Times New Roman size 11. The margins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) should be 1". All the abbreviations should be defined at first mention and the used consistently. All the pages should be numbered consecutively.

Length of Research Article
The permissible word limit range for research article is 2000 to 5000 words. The mentioned word limit is recommended; however, it does not restrict author to confine manuscript in that range.

The title of the manuscript should be concise and self-explanatory. Single column format, Single line space, Time new roman, Font size 18, Centralized and Title case.

Authors and affiliations
Full names of authors along with affiliation (including country name), email and ORCiD must be mentioned. The corresponding author may be indicated by a * and his/her E-mail address, telephone number should also be given.

Cite as: First Author, Second Author (Year). Type the Research Title. Mader e Milat International Journal of Nursing and Allied Sciences, 1(1), 68–85.

An abstract is a short summary of your research paper, usually about a paragraph (150-300 words) long. A well-written abstract can let readers get the essence of your paper, prepare readers to follow the detailed information, analyses, and arguments in your full paper, and help readers remember the key points. Note: -Special symbols, mathematical formulas, and equations are not allowed in the "Abstract" section. References should not be cited in the abstract.
(Single column format, Single line space, Time new roman, Font size 11, Justified)

We would like to encourage you to list your keywords. They should be separated by commas. Keywords (except the first one) start with small letters and the last one ends with a dot. The authors must provide up to 6-8 keywords for indexing purposes (vital words of the article).

All Main Headings
Single column format, Single line space, Time new roman, Font size 12, Bold, Upper Case and Left align.

Put your introduction here. Begin by identifying the research problems & issues giving a brief background (cover the brief summaries of at least 5-10 relevant research articles and their critical appraisal, literature should include 70 % literature from last 10 years out of which 50% from last 5 years. Researcher can use old reference in exceptional cases e.g. giving definitions, details of tools etc.), reason for conduction of this study by identify the research gap, significance and rationale of the study, also put the major goal of the study, specific objectives/questions and hypothesis here. Hypothesis should be written like this, Ho1, Ho2, Ho3 etc. Introduction should be 1000-1500 words.

All manuscripts must contain an Introduction, typically 3-4 paragraphs maximum of 1000-1500 words with font size 11 (Times New Romans). Generally, include one paragraph of background, one or two of rationale, and a final paragraph stating the questions or purposes. Generally, formulate no more than 2-4 questions or purposes; each should be sufficiently important that their answers would appear in an Abstract. The introduction should contain a brief description of the issue being reported, their historical backgrounds, and the study objective.
(Single column format, Single line space, Time new roman, Font size 11, Justified)

Tables: Tables should be numbered sequentially editable using Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1, Table 2), and each table should have a descriptive title. The table number and title should be typed in bold, single-spaced, and centered across the top of the table, in 11-point Times New Roman, as shown below.

Figures: All figures in the manuscript should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2), and each figure should have a descriptive title. The figure number and title should be typed in bold, single-spaced, and centered across the bottom of the figure, in 11-point Times New Roman, as shown below. The figure captions should be editable and be written below the figures.

In this section, the author describes the previous research works in the form of title, problem statement, objectives, not repeat the information discussed in Introduction. You should review at least 10 to 16 latest articles in the related work section, cite them properly, and list references in the reference section.

Literature view must be written with proper text citation like this: Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life, Haider (2021).

Methodology consists of data, model development and method used. The paper can be either quantitative or qualitative. However, if the paper is quantitative, equations may appear in line with the text, if they are simple, short, and not of major importance; e.g., a = b/c. Important equations appear on their own line. Principal equations are numbered, with the equation number placed within parentheses and right justified. Authors are strongly encouraged to use MS Word Equation Editor or Math Type to create both in-text and display equations. Equations are considered to be part of a sentence and should be punctuated accordingly.

Equation/Formula should be in MathType so that it will be formatted. The Equation/Formula should be editable with no image format. Do not give scanned equation/formula. Write numbers (1,2,3,4,5…) and caption outside of equation/formula. All equation/formula should be typed in Times New Roman, Font size - 11 point. Do not give bold and italic equation/formula.

Results: This section consists of presentation of all the results in tables, graphs, etc. and the description of those numbers and figures.
Robustness Test: This section consists of one or more test to check the robustness of the results, to ensure that the results are robust and meaningful.
Analysis: This section consists of critical discussion on the findings, explanation of the novelty of the results of the study, justifications of the results, and discussions how do the results differ or equate to other related studies.

Each manuscript should contain a conclusion section within 250-450 words which may contain the major outcome of the work, highlighting its importance, limitation, relevance, application and recommendation. Conclusion should be written in continuous manner with running sentences which normally includes main outcome of the research work, its application, limitation and recommendation. Do not use any subheading, citation, references to other part of the manuscript, or point list within the conclusion. In last paragraph author describes the future scope for improvement.

This statement should describe how readers can access the data supporting the conclusions of the study and clearly outline the reasons why unavailable data cannot be released.

All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Otherwise, Authors declare that they do not have any conflict of interest.

Provide funding source, supporting grants with grant number. The name of funding agencies should be written in full. for example: “This work was supported by the ISROSET Research laboratory [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the National Science laboratory [grant number zzzz”. If no funding source exists, write, none.

All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the manuscript before the references. Anyone who made a contribution to the research or manuscript, but who is not a listed author, should be acknowledged (with their permission). Should be brief, mention people directly involved with the research project (i.e. advisors, sponsors, funding agencies, colleagues, technicians or statistical helper who have supported your work).

APA style should be used for proper references. References should be in continuous pattern in body of research article. References should be 20-25. Reference must be written in APA style.

For Example:
Edwards, A. A., Steacy, L. M., Siegelman, N., Rigobon, V. M., Kearns, D. M., Rueckl, J. G., & Compton, D. L. (2022). Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242–1256.

Thomson, J. (2022, September 8). Massive, strange white structures appear on Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Newsweek. mirabilite-1741151

Davidson, R. J. (2019, August 8–11). Well-being is a skill [Conference session]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

Put additional information here that was gathered during your research but that you will not include in your paper i.e. Sample calculations, Research instruments, questionnaire or surveys sample, approval letter for data collection etc. Appendices may be in the form of figures, tables, maps, charts, photographs or drawing. The heading should be “Appendix” followed by a letter or number (e.g. “Appendix A” or “Appendix 1), centered and written in bold type.

AUTHORS PROFILE (All author profiles are mandatory)
Indicate the level of contribution of each author. All authors should include biographies with photo at the end of regular papers. Personal profile which contains details about their email id, education, publications, research work, membership, and achievements with photo and will be maximum 100-150 words.